Friday, October 06, 2006


Meet my husband, Kurt. He is what we call a "networker". Which basically means he knows everybody. Even if you don't know him he has your friend's number in case you need it.

This beautiful tigress is Riley. She is the perfect cat, she listens well, comes when she is called, and she is always eager to give affection.

This is Chili. For those of you who cannot identify what he is: Chinchilla. Personality: Coy . He is really a fun pet and has the softest fur you may ever feel. (if you get the chance to feel the fur of a chinchilla)

This is Jaxon. She looks a lot like Riley because she is another tiger cat but she has white paws and chin. Although Riley is a great cat and wonderfully affectionate, Jaxon takes the cake as the cuddle-bug of the family. She is always willing to give affection and cuddle even if you weren't exactly expecting anything. She is our newest addition to the family. Kurt was the one who picked her out too! (This is suprising because Kurt still claims that he isn't an animal person). Jaxon is a rescue kitten - so when we first got her she was painfully shy. But she has since come out of her shell and become great friends with Riley and anyone who provides an open lap .

This is my fav modeling pic - Michael, my friend and photographer, pushed me to get fierce for the left shot. yea - thats me being fierce.....

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