Saturday, March 10, 2007


While on our many travels we pass this abandoned home from the 1700s in Maryland to get to Delaware. I finally took some time to capture this haunting figure as it has caught my attention on many occasions. The presence is not described so well in these photos, one must be there in order to appreciate the looming feeling that surrounds this place. With that said, here are a few photos to draw you in....

While this front door doesn't exactly scream "welcome!" I couldn't help but feel like I wanted to go inside. Maybe it was my curiosity getting the better of me or just the desire to be thrilled through my fears. I could have sworn I saw out the corner of my eye, a shadow walk past the window or some glowing eyes peering at me through the basement windows where there was no glass... It was hard to tell because it always seemed that they would disappear when I looked at them.

With the sun beating its warmth on the back porch the haunting feeling seemed to dissipate.... until I saw something scurry underneath. The feeling suddenly returned when I peered into the well-lit foot high gap between the ground and porch and saw nothing. This open doorway within the porch (you can't see it here) was welcoming me in through its dark archway... weird how the openings to the house itself seemed so dark on such a sunny day.

I know I can't see anything but I could have sworn I felt someone watching me...

Can you spot the bunny? Neither did I, which would explain why I almost peed my pants when it went running! stupid rabbit.... Ironically, this was the most peaceful spot on the whole property. The graves are of a mother and father with the little one in the middle of a baby. Dates on the stone read early 1800s.

Just your average macro shot with a haunted house looming in the background...

I hate to disappoint but I didn't go into the house. I was alone as Kurt stayed behind to "guard the car" and I wasn't sure how safe the floors were (since they are 300 years old).


Kurt in his natural state....

So Kurt got this brilliant idea to take a "vacation" to Utah during the same time he needed to get some business things done while we were there. The only time we really got to spend together that didn't involve business was during the Parade of Homes in St George and the occasional massage to make up for the false impression of what we were really going to be doing in Utah (Please see illustration above). I speak harshly and maybe I am a little bitter. It wasn't a total waste of my time - I really did enjoy meeting the new partners and their wives. But sadly I have no pictures but the ones taken in the Parade of Homes so I hope you enjoy the few I have to share.

This is the back yard of my favorite home that we saw. I affectionately called it the "Lion House" as that seemed to be the theme. I simply adored the towering pillars that engolfed the back patio and opened into the sunny Pool and BBQ area (vaguely seen on the left). This is, simply put, the perfect home for entertaining even the pickiest of guests as it seemed to include everything one could ask for in leisure activities. The theatre room was one of the best in the whole parade of homes, although it certainly wasn't the largest.

It was common among the homes we saw to see the jacuzzi overflowing into the pool but, as if to keep things ruggedly interesting, the firepit in the middle was a unique trait to this home alone. This is a feature I am so fond of I intend to use it in my custom home. That waterfall was also a nice touch that most wouldn't bother to add that I found aesthetically pleasing.

With so many guest rooms one might think that this house would have no privacy but the floorplans more than made up for the possible plight in design. Here is a view from one of the common areas on the second flor that separated the guest areas from one another. This balcony was beautifully placed as it give one a view of the back patio and outstretched view of the vally. The home itself was placed on a hill overlooking the city and mountains in the distance.

Detail did not escape the designer's attention while creating this masterpiece of a home. The "aged" plaster and wall painting perfectly frames the view through the arched windows giving one a sense that they are in an ancient home in Tuscany. Simple class and elegance saturate this home from original design to accesories.

I don't have many other pitcures of other houses. Sorry. Most of them aren't worth putting on my blog anyway.