While on our many travels we pass this abandoned home from the 1700s in Maryland to get to Delaware. I finally took some time to capture this haunting figure as it has caught my attention on many occasions. The presence is not described so well in these photos, one must be there in order to appreciate the looming feeling that surrounds this place. With that said, here are a few photos to draw you in....
While this front door doesn't exactly scream "welcome!" I couldn't help but feel like I wanted to go inside. Maybe it was my curiosity getting the better of me or just the desire to be thrilled through my fears. I could have sworn I saw out the corner of my eye, a shadow walk past the window or some glowing eyes peering at me through the basement windows where there was no glass... It was hard to tell because it always seemed that they would disappear when I looked at them.
With the sun beating its warmth on the back porch the haunting feeling seemed to dissipate.... until I saw something scurry underneath. The feeling suddenly returned when I peered into the well-lit foot high gap between the ground and porch and saw nothing. This open doorway within the porch (you can't see it here) was welcoming me in through its dark archway... weird how the openings to the house itself seemed so dark on such a sunny day.
Can you spot the bunny? Neither did I, which would explain why I almost peed my pants when it went running! stupid rabbit.... Ironically, this was the most peaceful spot on the whole property. The graves are of a mother and father with the little one in the middle of a baby. Dates on the stone read early 1800s.